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7 Benefits of Plantation Shutters

Plantation Shutters are a beautiful and versatile product. They over privacy without having to compromise on style, space and natural light. There are loads of benefits to having shutters and we have put together a list of the top 7 in no particular order.

  1. Privacy

Shutters are a great way to preserve the privacy in your home while being able to enjoy natural light and the view out the window. This is due to the slats being at an angle so you can see out, but people can’t see in.  Also, if you have tier on tier shutters you can open the top tier for more light while having the bottom ones closed for extra privacy. Same goes for café style shutters but rather than having a top tier, you have the top of the window uncovered for maximum light.


  1. Natural light control

Shutters are the best option for having full control over the light coming into the room. Depending on which slat size you choose determines the amount of light you let in through the slats. The wider the slat size the more amount of light you can let flood in brightening up your space. There’s no need to close off your room with curtains or blinds making them dark during the day with shutters.

  1. Easy to clean

Shutters are super low maintenance and easy to clean. All you need is a soft cloth or feather duster and give it quick dust off. Afterwards, just vacuum or sweep up any of the dropped debris that may have fallen. No sprays or cleaning products are required. If any moister is on them in the bathroom or kitchen again you just need a dry clean cloth to wipe them down.


  1. Customisation – Made to measure

Our shutters are made to measure so they can be customised to fit any window big or small, round or square. We work with an amazingly talented manufacturer who ensures our wooden shutters stay at the highest level and are produced to perfection. We have a specialised team of measures and fitters with over 20 years’ experience to ensure that your windows are measured accurately and that the shutters fit seamlessly.

  1. Energy Efficient

As the weather is starting to warm up, shutters are a great option for keeping the home cool. By keeping the shutters closed during the day they can block out the sunlight and heat coming through the windows while letting the breeze come through the slats cooling down the home. At night keep them open to allow the cooler airflow to permeate through the home. In the wintertime, shutters work as an added layer of insulation keeping the home warm and your energy bills low.

  1. Security

Shutters provide a solid barrier over your window which acts as a deterrent for thieves because by having the panels closed and they won’t know whether your home or not. A solid more secure option would be aluminium shutters as you can lock them making it even harder for anyone to get in. They are also a great option for making sure your pets won’t escape or strays getting in as the slats will close when the push on them blocking them.

  1. Timeless Elegant Style

Finally, shutters are a sleek and stylish product that adds value to your home. They come in a wide range of materials and colours so it won’t be hard to find an option that works for you and the interiors of your home.